It has been a long time coming but we are so thankful and so proud of what Lady Captain has become. We talked for years about creating something together but never dreamed of the magic that would ensue with this storefront, clothing line and sweet coastal fishing town. The story behind it all starts when Claire and Lauren met in 2015. As you may know, Claire owns another business in Austin and Ft. Worth called Beehive and at the time Lauren was working for a designer in Austin when a mutual friend insisted that she introduce us knowing that we would be instant friends. (Shocker- we were.) After much discussion, Lauren left the fashion design industry to work for Claire at Beehive. Then began one of the most exciting creative collaborations ever and immediately we knew we were supposed to do something together of our own. Being that Claire’s background is in retail and Lauren’s in fashion design we knew that we wanted to have a storefront together but also design a clothing line. For about 5 years we brainstormed and daydreamed about where this would be and what it would look like… and then March of 2020 happened. Along with the rest of the world, we were beat down and tired by the hustle of trying to keep our day jobs and Claire finally went to visit her parents in Rockport to get away for a while. And that’s when the light bulb went off. Why were we trying to make something happen in a big city that was already oversaturated when all we needed was to take ourselves somewhere more peaceful to create something really special. Born and raised in Corpus, Claire always knew she would one day make it back to the Gulf Coast but this was the ticket. Realizing that there was a true definition of East and West Coast styles but really no clear vision of what Gulf Coast style entails, Claire saw a need and called Lauren from Rockport. Always down for an adventure, it didn’t take much convincing for Lauren to dive in. We hit the ground running creating concepts for what our store would look like and working with our production consultant, Shonagh Speirs to bring our designs to life. We knew that we wanted it to be somewhat utility to cater to the fishing and active lifestyle of the Gulf Coast but also feminine and sweet in an homage to the modern hostess. While trying to figure out if there was a term for a female captain, we decided why don’t we just call it what it is, LADY CAPTAIN. For the woman who sets the table with her own catch of the day (or just wants to look the part.) First opening our store front in March of 2021, a year after shut down tried to bring us down, we were so empowered by the response we received from the community and our peers. Founded in faith from the start, every detail and step along the way of LC is all glory to God. One of the biggest agreements we have in our friendship is our love for the Lord so we knew that we wanted to make Lady Captain a reflection of His love for us in any way we possibly could. Our storefront is a happy place, just as we intended and our clothes are meant to empower and make women feel GOOD about themselves. Whether you’re on a boat or wearing a fishing shirt over your yoga pants- it is all about looking and FEELING 100% great about you, Lady Captain. Thank you so much for everyone that has supported us along this journey, to our friends and family and our sweet little salty town. Without you, we wouldn’t be who we are or where we are today. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for LC, and we are just getting started. Keep it cute but salty! We love y’all.